My son reciently spilled something on his shirt, and even after I spot treated the shirt and washed it. It still has a darker spot where the oil was. and I can't get ...
My 7.5 year old daughter started growing arm pit hair a few months ago and there now is enough that it is noticeable and it 'feels yucky' and is generally bothersome ...
I get this every fall. It starts on my palms.... looks like tiny little blisters but they rarely have anything in them (i've popped them with a pin and some have wate...
My hubby is having a horrible time with his face lately. He is 48, if that matters. The problem is an allergic reaction to something. He was fine until I bought hi...
Very confused on the abouts of children and their explorations of their own body. We are teaching my daughter her body parts such as nose, mouth, eyes, you know the b...
My 19 month old daughter picks and digs at her owies when she is upset or bored. She has a sore on the bridge of her nose from a carpet burn that happened weeks ago a...
I noticed my son had a rash all over his body yesterday. does anyone know if there is anything i can give him to make the rash go away. I woke up with the same rash...
What do your teenage boys use to help control pimples? My son is 14 and has started getting quite a few small pimples.
What has worked best for your teenage boys? ...
Since mid-April, my daughter has been getting sores on her face, neck, arms and legs. It starts as a flat brown spot. The spot turns into a scab, still flat, within...
My 6 yr old daughter was diagnosed with Morphia a form of "Scleroderma" about 5 months ago. At that time she only had one area on the trunk of her back that was abou...