Bikes & Scooters: Toddler, Lands End

Results 1-10 from 18 articles

Questions Regarding Daughter Starting Kindergarten

M.S. asks from Dallas

My daughter is starting kindergarten this fall and I have a few questions for moms of 1st or 2nd grade girls. This may seem strange but what kind of backpacks and lu...


Seeking a Way to Help My Daughter Lose Weight.

R.T. asks from Dallas

I'm the mom of a beautiful, but overweight 10 (soon to be 11) year old. I could really use some input on how to help my daughter lose weight. I send her lunch to scho...


Thank You I Have a Hard Time Getting My Daughter to Wear Certain Clothes...

D.D. asks from Chicago

My 5 year old is in a phase now where all she wants to wear is leggings. No jeans or dresses or skirts or sweats....LEGGINGS!!! It stinks because she got alot of ni...


Dresses and "Bubble Butts" - What WERE Designers Thinking?

C.O. asks from Washington DC

I have what many call a "bubble butt"...that "nice" round butt...not droopy drawers! :) Anyway - I like to wear dresses that hit just above the knees - you know th...


Help with Clothing Size for plus Size Daughter!

A.C. asks from Dallas

Hello all. My daughter is on the chunky side - not really fat, but too big to wear regular size clothes at the stores. For the last several years we've bought from ...


Where to Buy Cotton Nightgown for Kids

W.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi mamas, Where can you buy cotton nightgowns for kids at a reasonable price? My daughter loves wearing dresses but she has sensitive skin. I have been checking a...


How to Dress Your Kid During Winter in Midwest? Sigh!

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

It's been a ongoing argument with me and my husband past few weeks. He thinks I overdress my son and I think he doesn't dress him warm enough. My son is only 1.5 and ...


Legging Type Pants for Girls

L.S. asks from Las Vegas

I am looking for the soft cotton like capri length/knee length pants for girls. I have a 7 yr old who is very skinny(40lbs) and she hates jeans-she only likes these ...


Larger Size Tween Girl

L.H. asks from Orlando

Hi everyone. I have a 9 year old daughter who is a little overwieght for her age. She is tall for her age and has a large frame. She constantly gets upset over her we...