Hello moms,
I'm writing to request your advice on breast pumps. My first baby is due New Year's Day and my plan is to breastfeed, pumping perhaps 1x/day so that d...
I'm pregnant, due in 2 months and want to get a breast pump. I'll be staying at home with my baby, so don't feel that I need a heavy duty breast pump. I see so many r...
Okay, so I have tried to "figure it out" on my own but I now need help desperately. I have a beautiful 6 wk old daughter and will unfortunately have to return to work...
Hello ladies. I am new to this forum and had a question that I would like to ask. Do you have to sterilize baby bottles after each use? I do not have a dishwasher. I ...
I'm almost 7 months pregnant, and I am planning to breastfeed. When I go back to work after the baby is born, I plan to pump during the day so he can take breastmilk...
I have two sons that I chose to use formula with, I'm at peace with that choice. I'm very uncomfortable, however, about doing any breastfeeding in public. No offense,...
I am planning on exclusively bottle feeding my baby. I am interested in the best bottles and types of nipples best for bottle feeding. I used the Playtex Ventaires wi...
I am seeking a good solid checklist that you found helpful in preparring for a new baby. I'm looking for a list that states specifics of each item needed and the bes...
I have a 4 1/2 mo old boy. Since he was born I did not make enough milk and was told to supplement with formula. I work full time and have a long commute, so I don't ...
To steralize or not to ? been thinking about it since the little one is due soon. I have heard that bottles need to be boiled? Along with pacifiers? and I have also h...