I am a very busy stay at home mom of 3 very busy children, ages 5, 3, and1 ! I love being home with my kids and being able to take them to their activities, but things are tight trying to survive on one income! I have tried very hard to help my husband pay the bills, I babysit in my home to help, but I wanted to do a little more. I started to look for ways to bring in a little extra, but I am in school and I still wanted the freedom to be with my kids and all of their events! In the end I decided to try working from home with a team of moms. It is awesome! I know that it is going to help my family out! I don’t have to deal with selling anything, I’m not running around collecting money and doing deliveries, and I’m not trying to rid myself of some crazy inventory. I simply don’t have time for all of that! No huge investment. Go to www.workinggreenmoms.com to get all the information. You get all the details up front with a simple phone call, so if it doesn’t sound like something you would like you can just say "no thanks" and that is the end of that! I really hope this can help someone else out there the way it is helping me : ) Thank you for giving me the chance to share!
Helping moms be "moms" and also earn an income!
It sounds like you have a crazy schedule like me!!! I only have one daughter so I can only imagine! This sounds like a great oppertunity for stay at home moms or even someone just looking to make a little extra.In addition we are helping ourselves financially and keeping are children safe from chemicals. Awesome! Thanks for thinking of the rest of us, especially in a time of need :-)
Sounds interesting,I checked out the web sight and anything healthier should be good for my family.
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