Business Details

Mamapedia is a free, local online mother’s community. Below is a real Business Listing with genuine reviews from Mamapedia Moms.

1 reviews
  • PO Box 112211
    Naples, FL 34108

Business description (provided by the business owner):

Tired of dealing with the ex? Mis-communication or lack of communication hurting your relationship with your child? I developed a website to help parents stay involved and in control of scheduling with two households. The website was designed with the divorced or separated family in mind, but any family can use it.

Review from 1 Mom

Rated Five Stars by a Mom in Naples, FL on Nov. 30, 2009

Being a parent the single most difficult and rewarding thing that we will ever do... times that by 10 being a single parent! This site is an easy and orgainzed way to keep everything with the kids together and straight.. and in the process, let others be a part of this experience, and be in the kids' lives without the complications of uneasy and unneccesary communication.

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