I have my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. As I've been reading on MamaSource, I've been thinking, these problems are much like the ones I see in my practice. I am new in town and thought it might be helpful to someone in the Merced, CA area to know there is psychotherapy that is an option to dealing with these sorts of problems. I do think this wonderful cirlce of mamas is a great way to support one another through problems, but if someone wants more, know this...
I have worked with young infants and their mothers to children in group homes, school and college students, and adults. I trained at a center which successfully treated all emotional concerns without psychotropic meds. My office: located on a quiet street in a comfortable 1930's house. I offer morning and afternoon appointments.”
Understanding yourself, being understood... Give yourself time in therapy by talking, expressing yourself through music, art, play, dreams, or just being still. Your soul is suffering and I am a therapist that values confidentiality and appreciates even your darkest feelings, please call.
When my heart is heavy or needs a place to rest and be heard, Celeste always knows how to listen and with humor and grace supports me. She also has a very sly, but unflaggingly kind, sense of humor. We are VERY different people. The reason I trust Celeste so much is that she actively respects that we are not the same in many ways. She is simply the most curious person I have ever met and her curiosity is genuine and respectful; never judgemental. I don't have to be like her for her to like me. What a unique and timeless blessing. Celeste is nothing but a blessing in my life.(...no pressure there, Celeste! lol. So don't screw up now that you have a rating system ;) Obviously, I am a fan.
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