So anytime someone posts something like this, the majority of responses are usually, "Keep reading to them. Don't do anything to try to teach them to read." While I can certainly understand that logic and don't think you can go wrong with that, I found myself in your situation and did encourage my son. He was a lot like yours. He is now 3 1/2 and starting to read - and loves it! Obviously - never ever push. If he isn't interested that day, do not push. My son goes through phases for days or weeks at a time where he wants to "study" (I say that for a lack of better word), and then goes back to cars and trains, etc. I absolutely follow his desires! But yes, we got him "Your Baby Can Read" DVDs. I didn't use the flashcards though, again because I didn't want to push. He just watched the DVDs on their schedule. Then we got him the Preschool Prep Company series, which he also loves. And we got him the Leap Frog Letter Factory and Leap Frog Words DVDs. He also had the Leap Frog Fridge Magnets and the Leap Frog Word Builder toys. I started making him a few flashcards after he turned 3, and he often begs to go over them. We take them to restaurants to keep him occupied! Up until now, I completely admit he was learning the shape of words rather than actually "reading", but I am starting to see him sound out new words now. It is really fun watching him truly enjoy figuring out reading! If you want any more details or have questions, feel free to PM me. I guess my philosophy is that learning is fun. The times he says "No", that has to be respected!