here's what i did when i had the same question. i bought the dvd's off amazon for 60$. someone on here told me not to pay full price so i didn't... i think i got a good deal. this way, you can see what the program is all about with out spending the big bucks on the whole program, then if it's interesting to your child buy the additional flash cards and other books they have off amazon (i started a wish list :-). my two year old can read hi and clap and i bought the program about 1 year ago but i'm the same as the last poster, working mom who wasn't disaplined enough to make him watch it every day. i think that it is a neat program tho, especially with my older son having dyslexia and everything we had to go through to get him where he is now, this might just give my little guy the jump start my older son should have had. if you;re not a drill sgt. with it, then i don't see it being a bad thing or turning children off to reading - but then again i'm no expert. i will say it has helped big time with my son's vocabulary! it's good for them to see words at a young age - that's why we're told to read to our babies, right?? well, my advice in a nutshell... if you do decide to get it, try to do it at a cheaper price, because it is a tough routine to stick to and the video's get a thumbs up from me!!
~good luck in deciding~
S. :-)