You get what you pay for with yo-yos. A good one is going to cost money. If your grandson is good at it and wants to practice and learn tricks and such, you might spring a little more for a good one that will last.
My 7 yo grandson wants a yo-yo. No big deal, right? Well, so far I have bought him 2 & both were junk. They were selling them at school for $15 & his mom said "no way" I totally agree. I used to carry mine with me everywhere, but now I am not sure what to look for. So, I am asking for help. HELP ! What is a good price. any info would help. Thanks
Thanks everyone. I remembered that mine was a Duncan too. There is no school Monday & Tiesday, so we are going yo-yo shopping.
You get what you pay for with yo-yos. A good one is going to cost money. If your grandson is good at it and wants to practice and learn tricks and such, you might spring a little more for a good one that will last.
Duncan yoyos run about $5-7 on Amazon -- I had a Duncan butterfly style. I loved my yoyo and carried it all over, too.
Why is $15 a non-starter?
Inflation - they well made, american made toy you had in your youth likely costs about $15 in today's money.
My 9y/o is into Yo-Yo's these days too. We bought him a Duncan brand one for Christmas, I found it at our local Hobby store, it was on sale for $9.99...I think $15 is not that far off, I think ours was $12 not on sale...so that's pretty close!
You want to get him one that actually works or it will be frustrating for him, right? So, I say spring for the Duncan brand one...I think they are the 'original' Yo-Yo??
My son is into yo-yos and has paid $35-50 for good ones. Yomega is a good brand. We have bought online from amazon and yoyoplay.
I had a Duncan when I was a kid. Loved it.
My son is 6, and for Christmas he got a Duncan Yo Yo.
He loves it and is getting the hang of it.
Just do a Google Search for "What is the best yo yo."
And look at the ratings.
Now, a yo yo can appear to be junk... because the person doesn't know how to use it yet... and the string gets all twisted/kinked and they don't know how to untwist, it. So for me, I taught my son how to untwist it.
Yo-yo's do cost money.
I had a wooden red Duncan yo-yo when I was a kid. It never broke, but I must have eventually lost it.
I searched for the style online and see they make reproductions of it. They call it a 'retro tournament' yo-yo now. It looks like they cost around $13 online. I may have to revist my childhood. :-)