When I had mine cut, tied and burnt 3 years ago everything went smoothly for the most part. ( from the x-ray they did, you could see them cut and tied into a knot, I'm taking their word on they burnt them ;) )
The pain from the surgery was tolerable right after, I didn't even use any of the pain meds they gave me for the pain of the incisions. I did take Tylenol for it a couple of times ( I'm allergic to ibuprofen) on the first day.
I was "suppose" to wait until my next period before having intercourse ( I had my surgery done while on my period).
The only problem I had was the gas from the surgery "collected" in my legs. It was the worst pain I have ever been in!! The next day I couldn't stand up, walk or if I was standing.. sit back down. Any movement sent horrible pain shooting through me. I had to go back and get put on strong pain killers to even dull the pain until my body absorbed the gasses.. that took 3 days. When I talked to the Dr about the pain, they said that it was very uncommon for the gas to collect like that, but in a few people it does happen.
Even with my pain I had to deal with, I would recommend it to anyone who asks. I have heard that periods change in length or flows get heavier.. but for me there was no change at all. Its a relief knowing that I can be "with" my husband and not have to worry about getting pregnant.
It did take me about 6 months to completely except the fact that I would never have another child. I did have a few problems with that at first, but now Im really happy with my choice to have it done!