Hi B.---It's been a long time, but I remember using Monastat while I was pregnant. I used to be plagued by yeast infections until recently. I have changed my diet. Like others have said, yeasts thrive on simple sugars. Cut back on or eliminate white bread, sugar, rice, baked goods and highly sugary foods. Fruits are ok, except you may want to cut back, except for berries, until you get the infection under control.
I would also recommend a good probiotic, but not necessarily from yogurt. I used to be a big milk drinker until I started taking nutrition classes. Go to www.strongbones.org to learn more. If you do consume yogurt, buy the plain kind and mix in you own flavorings. You will get a healthier yogurt that way. Many fruited yogurts have more sugar in them than a candy bar. And I would stay away from artificial sweeteners. They have been shown to be powerful neurotoxins.
You can also consume good probiotic foods like sauerkraut and soy-based tempeh, which is an excellent source of plant based protein and calcium. Allicin, an antioxidant found in onions and garlic, helps to block the growth of yeast. Green and deep yellow veggies and deep yellow and orange fruits are high in beta-carotene (converted to Vit A in the body) keep moucous membranes resistant to infections. Fish and/or flax oils help to reduce inflammation caused by an infection. Low levels of B vitamins, zinc and magnesium are linked to yeast infections. Eat whole grains, dark leafy green veggies, potatoes, bananas, nuts and seeds for B vitamins. Mag. and zinc can be obtained from beans(red, black, pinto, etc.), peas, lentils and brazil nuts.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and good luck! In health, D.