Hello E.-
Today I am Parent Coach, but I use to be a Nanny and have had a lot of experiences with nursing issues from the Mom’s I’ve worked with.
First, nursing at 16 months is not only OK, but recommended if Mom still can. Breast milk provides a lot of benefits, and experts recommend nursing if you can up to 2 years of age.
He is definitely using nursing when he feels nervous or overwhelmed. I suggest while you’re out & about, keep a sippy cup of water or if you want breast milk for him to drink from when he needs it. Or provide him with a lovey to snuggle, stuffed toy or blanket. You’ll want to teach him coping methods other than the breast. Explain to him nursing is for home, not the store.
As for your period issues, breast-feeding is a natural method of birth control. Many women who breast-feed won’t have a period. When you’re nursing, your body is telling your hormones you have a child to care for and cannot have another, so an egg won’t be released. I suspect, (I am not a doctor so don’t take this a medical advise), your normal period is trying to reestablish it’s self but is being stopped by the hormones being released by breast feeding, explaining period cramping but not bleeding.
You may want to take a pregnancy test to be sure.
I wish you the best of luck!
R. Magby