I had simalar pain in my wrists as well like what you describe. when I would try to pick anything up, (including my infant grandchildren) the pain would should through my wrists and up my arms. Different positions were a little better than others, but for the most part, any pressure exerted on my wrists were horrible. I don't know if you expereience this type of pain as well, but when I would spread my fingers out as if I was going to pick up a ball with one hand, the pain would shoot through as well. I had asked my Primary Care Dr, about it he said it was arthritis and told me to take motrin. It helped a little, but you can't stay on Motrin for a long time without side effects, (just read the label!) A few months later, I had my gone to my chiropreacter for my back and mentioned it to him, and he told me it might be carpel tunnel or a touch of arthritis. He adjusted my wrists, he said the bones were slightly out of alignment. He also suggested that I take a mixture of Certo(which is fruit pectin) and 100% concord grape juice. He said that there is something in the combination that helps with this type of pain. It was recommended to him by another doctor and he tried it, and it worked for him, and he has arthritis. It does sound really strange, but it really worked for me. He stressed that because of the high carb/sugar content, IF YOU ARE DIABETIC, you CAN NOT take this. Mix 1 cup of grape jucie, and 1 TBS CERTO together, and drink it. I decided to do it twice a day for starters and by day 5 the pain was going away. Then I cut down to once a day, then every other day and just doing maintainence for once a week. I haven't taken any more in about 6 months. I was amazed that the pain totally went away and I have complete and painfree mobility now in both wrists since then. I have given this suggestion to other friends as well,(one had shoulder pain, and the other foot/ankle pain from a broken foot) and they have reported that it has also helped them. It is a weird treatment, but it worked for me. If your pain is anything like mine was, I really know what you are going through. It might be worth a try.