I havent tried any of this yet, but here is what I've read:
From the book "Pericone Promise" written by a doctor:
Wrinkles are caused by inflammation. Inflammation is caused by sugar,potatoes,bread,juice,chips, rice cakes (puffed products higher on glycemic index.)
Inflammation (and pain) inhibitors:
# 1 face wrinkle reducer: wild Alaska sockeye salmon
buckwheat/groats (is a seed) soba noodles work
bee pollen
white tea
pine bark extract (also good for uti)
grape seed extract (18 times more antioxidant than vit c)
Also DMAE,100mg day, combats sagging/aging.
Magnesium 1000mg day works for wrinkles (and magnesium oil on the skin). MG regulates nerve tone.