Hi H.,
From my perspective (having 2 boys potty trained before age 3), I have great news for you: your child IS potty trained. He is JUST having accidents. This does not mean you are a failure AT ALL!
Every time one of our boys has had an accident, my hubby and I can trace it back to slacking of on OUR part. Our boys did not care one way or the other if they were potty-trained, so if Mom and Dad slacked off: accidents happen.
Keep your boy on his schedule and *keep him in camp*! Stick to it, and once he sees that this is a permanent situation (meaning: the diapers ain't comin' back, kid), you will see you *eventually* won't have to keep him on track as much.
This is a *process,* YOU are doing the right things, just keep going!!!
Yea, MOM!