Hi mommyof 2, I am a daycare provider, and NO I would not recommend anyone who has a contagious illness to receive a daycare license. They do a background check for crimes and warrants, but not medical. The fact that she has aids and is willing to work with children to me is questionable on her charactor, I in form my daycare parents when I or someone in my family even has a bad cold. I believe if licensing knows of her conditions they probably will not licesen her. I would take it back, like you said you would not want someone with aids caring for your children. I have to have TB test done every so many years, so aids I think not. Beth said in the paper work there is a form for the doctor to fill out, unless things have changed in the past 14 years that isn't true, There was not a form for my doctor in my packet. Mom's those of you say it is discrimination, or no health risk, are you kidding me, children get skinned knees and ellbo's open skin, education or not, why would anyone even consider putting a child at risk, in daycare we are always busy, it can only take one time for this woman to be so busy that she forgets to put a glove on, or forgets to wash her hands, one mom said what kind of job do we expect her to get, it's not our place to expect anything, but as parents and providers it's our job to ALWAYS PUT THE SAFETY OF CHILDREN FIRST no matter what the situation is. One mom says she worries more about her child coming down with the FLU OMG the flu is cureable. I have conducted many interviews over the past 14 years, and I have had people ask me about my health, and if I have ever had the flu short, which I haven't so I tell them no, and I'm 54 and never had the flu, but that's besides the point, I can not imangine her in an interview saying I'm good at what i do, oh by the way i have aids, and someone enrolling their child with her especially when they look at 4 or 4 facilities before they make a decision. Wow I'm really shocked here. J.