First realize that most husband/dads are immature - long after we moms mature. Being pregnant and caring for an infant makes us self-less - but for whatever reason it doesn't seem to hit men as quickly. They're not as connected to their babies and don't seem to realize how reliant they are on their parents. My husband was just a jerk for a long time. A long time. Our first child wasn't planned - and as much as he completely adored her and fell head-over-heels for her the minute she arrived, he was still incredibly selfish for a long time. One of my pastros - who has 6 kids - wondered to me when I sought his advice, why men are so selfish. His quote "I don't really understand why we men are just so selfish, it seems we're all born that way and women just seem to have his natural giving nature while we guys just don't - and we really have to bring it before God every day..."
When my kids (who are now 13 &16) were pre-schoolers my husband frequently mentioned leaving the marriage since his needs just weren't being met. I would say to him (after working full time, and sitting in the middle of and folding many baskets of laundry while entertaining 2 small children) "this is a season in our lives - it's not forever - it's going to pass - we will have time for each other in the future - the kids won't be this age forever...."
It's almost as if we need to see our husbands as another child to take care of. My aunt, who has 5 kids, told me she thought of herself as a mother to 6 kids - her husband, my dearly loved uncle, as the 6th. It doesn't seem fair, and I really struggled with it - but if we think of them as a child they seem to respond to our nurturing. I finally got to the point where I'd ask my husband if he wanted a glass of milk when I got my kids one. I offer to make hime a sandwich when I made lunch for the kids, etc. The do seem to lose something when they see their child getting attention from us that they used to get all to themselves. Our perception: we're busy, he's an adult and can get himself food if he's hungry - but baby needs me to get him food - husband can get his own. His perception: she loves baby more than me cuz she's getting the baby food and she's going to let me starve...
The years when the kids need their mom for EVERYTHING is really trying on most marriages. But is is just a season. I see my nieces going through it with their husbands and kids, I see lots of younger families dealing with it. BUT - I have to say my husband has really grown up - and if he has I can guarantee that yours will too.
Perhaps your husband thinks parenting is this perfect process - and doesn't realize how messy it is and how kids don't grow up according to a training manual like an eager college grad at his first job. And I also found your wording interesting "if I can't handle one child effectively..." is that yoru husband's quote (talking about himself) or was he talking about you? Cuz parenting requires 2 parents if both are present.
You don't say how old you are - you just say the "risks will go up" in a few years. I had my first child at 37 and my second at age 40. There are some advantages to having children at an older age - you defininatly have more patience for them, and you have a lot more of life's wisdom. Don't assume that once you hit 35 you won't be able to have any more babies. And there are also some advantages of spacing your kids out further than 3 - 4 years. it is a lot easier to deal with a child in elementary school and a new baby - than a 4 yr old and a baby.
Dr. Laura says that men are simple - if they're not hungry they're horney. So they need either sex or a sandwich. I find that to be very true. So - don't worry as much about keeping the house perfect. Enjoy your baby and your husband. Baby him for a while and see if he doesn't come around. It will take less time to baby him becuase he'll respond and do more to take things off your shoulders. I bet he will come around. It goes against everything in me to do so - but it does work. We have more power in our marriage than we realize - we jsut don't know how to use it.