I divorced some years back and dad took the birth certificates so I know how difficult this is. I had some big problems with him having some important papers. It was just mean.You need birth certificates, passports, etc.
throughout your child's lifetime or a way to put your fingers ont hem. I would seriously ask a lawyer or the police department or call the American embassy or even call airlines and explain your thoughts. Maybe they can direct you to whom you call. Next is there any way you can get hold of the actual passport? Why does he have the passport? Just tell him you need it for documentation for school or something. Even if you return it write down the number for reference. By the way, I believe I am correct in saying this, that would be kidnapping if he took her out of the country without permission. Harper college used to have consultation with attorneys, dont know if they do any more. Call the paralegal program and ask. Or call office of Immigration. These are some ideas. And by the way, my exhusband miraculously turned up with bonds and a birth certificates twenty years later after I went through all sorts of hard times. Funny how nasty people can be right?