Honestly, you're never ready to go back to work!!
You are guaranteed 6 weeks/8 weeks leave - you need to check with your company to see if it is paid/unpaid. Some will give you up to 12 weeks unpaid. It depends...
My first - I HAD to get back to work after 6 weeks. I was not ready, I was struggling with nursing and I was just overwhelmed. But overall, looking back, it's a huge transition and you just need to learn to deal with it. Plan things ahead of time - especially if you plan to pump - do you have a place where you can go? If not, start asking around or making arrangements ahead of time. I actually pumped while sharing an office with a male colleague!! But he was cool with it...
My 2nd - I was off 6 weeks, then back to work part time for the next two months...then back full time.
Find out how/who will be able to help you at home - do you have a significant other? Family members? If they offer help, TAKE IT!!
Just remember, the baby being around other people/kids IS A GOOD THING as you are not just the center of his/her world - there's other people who will just love him/her just as much.
I had my mom/mom-in-law watch the girls so it worked out okay, but it was still hard in the beginning. Remember, one day at a time. And it's nice to take a break from them as well - go to Starbucks and enjoy a caramel macchiato!! :)
Best wishes!!
OH - I want to add also - you CAN nurse and pump successfully!!! If you have any problems, please see a lactaction consultant AND/OR La Leche League. Don't wait - they are a great resource and it helps to meet people BEFORE the baby's born...
For the first one, I was able to pump 6 months. For the second, as I made sure I was better prepared, I nursed/pumped successfully for 12 months...