I work from home. These jobs exist, more and more. But they are jobs, you are paid for it because you are working.
Some of my friends (including my mother in law) would sometimes tell me that I'm so lucky to stay home all day and be paid. I'm working, as much as they do, meaning not playing with my children, not cooking gourmet meals, not cleaning the house...
Nowadays, we have a nanny (we both work full time from home), but before our daughter was born, I worked full time from home + took care of our baby. I organized a closed playing area for him in my office/playroom, (child-proofed) and would eat with him, give him snack, change diapers. But, not much playing or interaction. Then, I worked long hours to compensate for the time spent with the baby.
The best time for it was when he was an infant, breastfeeding at the computer was not a problem and he was happy in a wrap front carrier or on the floor. As he grew, it became more difficult. He needed more attention than I could give and when I got pregnant, I went to part time so I would have more time with him.
Usually, work from home have flexible hours and people would work early in the morning (before the children get up) and then late at night. It the work involves calling customers or other people, you have to be ready for tantrums, teething screams or other dangerous escape from your little one just at the same time. Tending to a baby may be hard when negotiating on the phone!
But, financially, it can be well worth it!
Good luck!