Good for you for checking out the options and feedback on the businesses...I also have a business, with PartyLite Candles, and I truly believe Direct Sales to be a fantastic way to make money and keep your flexibility. I also believe that you should choose a product that you love..and as someone else mentioned, a consumable product is helpful because you can get more repeat business!
I have been with PartyLite for 8 years and have consistent income, and a continuously growing business.
Questions to ask on ANY direct sales business....What is the investment cost? What kind of training and support will you receive and does it cost anything/where is it?
What level of business are you expected to maintain and for how long? What happens if you don't maintain it? Is there potential for increased commission?
I would be happy to answer any questions for you! I think having your own business is a great opportunity-feel free to check out my website www.my.partylite.biz/sherryelkins to see a little about partylite, or contact me directly to talk about direct sales! Good Luck! S.