No, A., you're not alone.
I have suffered from anxiety attacks on and off for many years. Sometimes they are triggered by very real crises in my life and sometimes by nothing at all. I know how very debilitating and SCARY they are (mine would last for 2 weeks). I couldn�t focus on anything or sleep because my brain would be racing with all these fears�the only thing that would calm me down (for a short time) was being in a safe place near someone I knew and trusted.
I do believe they are caused by severe hormone imbalances because my periods always stop after I had one. After one episode, my wonderful and thorough doctor in CA, found a tumor in my pituitary that was causing some lactating hormones to go through the roof. I eventually took a combination of meds for the pituitary and zoloft, which is very good for treating anxiety and panic disorders. I took less than the lowest dosage they even make because that was all I needed.
I also know from my own experience, that you cannot "work through it and try to control it" as these doctors/hospital staff want to tell you. The truth is, most doctors, except a specialist, don't understand them. Please find a specialist, a psychiatrist, therapist or endocrinologist, who understands and can treat you effectively (they understand psychiatric meds the best). The doctors at the hospital are afraid to give you anything because you are pregnant, but a specialist would have a better understanding of side effects and what you can tolerate. I wish I could recommend someone to you, but I haven't found anyone since I moved here myself.
I read the letter from Anne in Madison, and I agree with her wholeheartedly. I would think the panic attacks would be harder on you and the baby than most medication. She is living proof that it can be done.