Having one child, who never used a crib in the first place, our goal was to get her out of our bed (most of the time). The toddler bed rules.
Beanie started napping in it around 18 months and transitioned to it for full nights around 20. She's been using it for over a year, it's great.
Ours is on the end of our bed. I like that it's easy to make, uses a crib mattress (since we never had a crib, it was nice to finally use the dang mattress my cousin gave us and the sweet crib sheets my aunt made!) We even figured out a way to use the crib bumper I bought back before I found out about cosleepers and family beds--we wrapped it around the hard parts near the head and tied it down, and it's quite cute when used with the crib blanket it came with.
Our daughter can get in and out on her own, and will actually request to lay down in her "own bed" when she's tired. I like that she "owns" it in that way. She still crawls into bed with us at night sometimes.
Yesterday when her father asked why, she said "cuddle with mommy cozy."
Lordy. Toddler bed+ infrequent cosleeping snuggletime bliss= happiness.