I am not reading back through previous replies first, as I usually try to do, but I must comment even though I am in a hurry..
I TOTALLY agree with not switching her to formula if you don't have to. I challenge you to do some research on MSG and then see if you can find a formula- even organic formulas- that doesn't have msg in it! good luck! Also, soy milk at this age is still lacking in nutrition for a 7-mo old.
Rice dream is awesome, however rather than weaning all together, your baby at 7 months will drink less and less breastmilk as she eats more and more food, and starts to drink things like rice dream or a little juice (100% juice, mixed with water of course, with no HFCS)..but putting these in a starter sippy cup or bottle now and then with her pureed food is fine, so of course she will drink less breastmilk. Keep in mind that your body responds to the supply/demand thing.. You will make what she needs. It can be hard to tell when you are nursing that she is getting less milk (it is less milk at a higher concentration of nutrients at this age) so when you pump for bottles, it seems not to be as much, but you are still "putting out" what she needs.