you dont need to buy the bed rails for the toddler bed. all that happens with that is you take one side off the crib. a for the converting it with the rails it should need full bed rails not twin.
We bought my daughter a Delta convertible crib, and we think she's ready for a toddler bed. Can we use any standard twin mattress rails, or do we need to buy the conversion kit from Delta? I'm thinking that standard rails would work, we'd just miss the matching wood side pieces that would hide the rails. Any words of wisdom from someone who has done the conversion?
Thank you ladies. I looked under the crib this afternoon to see the model information, and they had diagrams on the bottom showing how to make the conversion. For the toddler bed, all they have you do is take off the front rail. So we may look into other options, since she's pretty tall and I think she needs a twin bed and not the crib-mattress sized bed.
you dont need to buy the bed rails for the toddler bed. all that happens with that is you take one side off the crib. a for the converting it with the rails it should need full bed rails not twin.
I'm not certain, but I think the twin rails would be too long, since a twin bed is much longer than a crib mattress. Let us know how it turns out though - I'm curious!
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I converted my daughter's crib to a full -- not a twin --and didn't need the conversion kit. It was really expensive and since I didn't order it when I ordered the crib (kind of wish I had...) we just bought a standard full-sized mattress and bedframe (from Costco -- cheap!). You're right, you'll just be missing the wooden side rails, but it's covered by the bedskirt. The only challenge was we had to drill some new holes in the head/footboard to line up with the frame.