Hi, K.!
First of all, congratulations on your baby, your commitment & all of you hard work!!!!
Second, I agree with everything that Sarah M said!!!!! This chic knows what she's talking about!
Just to reiterate a few points, pumping is NEVER, ever an indication of milk supply. You'd think it would be, but it's not. Some women just respond poorly to one. Also, at this age, your baby still has a very small belly, so your body doesn't NEED to produce a lot of milk at one feeding. At this age too, your body is adjusting to the fact that you only gave birth to one child, not an army. So your body will only make enough milk to feed one person, instead of wasting ALL that effort & energy making milk that no one drinks. Chances are too, that if you're getting a lot of plugged ducts, you're making more than enough milk! In fact, it's often a sign of OVER supply, not low supply.
Babies do typically nurse every 1-2 hrs (from the START of one feeding to the next, not in between!) for several weeks & they often "cluster feed" several times a day too (most often, but not always, at night).
Nursing is one of nature's most perfect examples of supply & demand. The more that is demanded, the more that is supplied. That being said, the more you supplement, the less your body will make, because the less demand is being placed on it.
Along with the plugged ducts, you may need to stop wearing a bra w/ an underwire (if you haven't already) or stop wearing one all-together for a while. Underwire's are a big culprit of plugged ducts.
One more tidbit of advice: call your local La Leche League Leader ASAP & start going to meetings!!! The support & information that you get from them is truly priceless. I credit the VAST majority of my success nursing my children to LLL!
I hope that that helps some!
Congrats again & take care!