Actually, your darling baby IS sleeping through the night. For a baby, 'sleeping through the night" means sleeping for at least 6 hours straight. And your baby does do this. So that's good.
And for the 1st year of life, a baby's primary source of nutrition is from breastmilk/formula (NOT solids or other liquids), and feeding on demand.
Your baby seems to have a GREAT sleep pattern already. Lots of babies this age wake more often. (mine did). And your baby naps well too. So that's good. She seems real good and comfy with her routine and her sleeping is stable. You're lucky...
But I know, it's not good for your work and energy levels.
And I know your previous children slept longer. But each baby is different... and this baby seems to sleep great.
Also, growth spurts and needing more intake, or teething or developmental changes, occurs too.. .so this will sometimes cause a hiccup in their usual sleep patterns. But your baby seems pretty good.
I sympathize with you... I have not had a full night's sleep since my daughter was born 6 years ago... and I wake at nights for both my kids. Perhaps for you... can your Hubby help and do night duty for the kids too? Maybe he can be responsible for 2 of them, and you handle the other 2??? Would that be an option? For you to handle all 4 of them, wear me out too!
When a baby is ready.. they will sleep longer. My son, who is 2.5 years old, only recently started sleeping through the night. So, in comparison to your baby... wow, your baby is a good lil' sleeper at her young age!
Well, all the best. I would not change around her schedule too much.. or as you saw, it can backfire and actually create more sleep problems for her, and then that would be worse.
take care,
I would keep the sleep and nap routines/times you have for this baby... as it seems to work well. And she seems like a good feeder as well. That is all positive's.