hey A.!
I am not usually a huge proponent of parenting books, but there is one for sleeping that changed my life. It is called "The No-Cry Sleep solution" It is a step by step book on how to get your baby or child to sleep WITH LITERALLY NO CRYING IT OUT!!! I has tips to combat any sleeping problem: nursing, needing to sleep ON TOP of someone, bottle feeding, pacifier use, getting out of bed-you name it. And it does not tell you that to break your baby of nightime nursing you can no longer sleep with them. I thought I would never sleep again with my daughter getting up constantly, until i read this book. It does take time, but what is a few weeks when you haven't been sleeping for months? And i would rather take the time than do the crying thing. Follow the sleep plan consistently-one night, you will see a change. And by the way, the author of the book, Elizabeth Pantley, did not write the book as some "expert" who thinks she is a know it all about sleep-she herself had a child who would not sleep, and came up with this plan through experience. Please let me know if this helps-and if it does, be sure to pass it on to other moms with the same problem. My copy of the book is long gone, circulating through my other friends who use it, love it, and pass it on to another sleepless mom!