First off, you aren't alone out there, many of us have been in the same boat and feel your pain, just hang in there.
Sounds to me like your little one is becoming a teenage girl already, afraid she will miss something so she doesn't nap much. My daughter is 15, almost 16 and boy are they nosy.....
Anyway, my son does that too, he is 5 months and rarely naps longer than 20-30 minutes at a time during the day. The good news is that he does sleep through the night now.
I think you know that the swing works, so use it, don't worry about any bad habits at this point, you need your rest and your sanity. My son also loved and still loves his vibrating bouncy seat. We have the one with the water, the Aquarium Bouncer with calming vibrations and music. I called that the magic seat for a while and for a good reason!
There are also others on this site that highly recommend the infant carriers which i personally have not used but it keeps the baby close and moving with you all the time.
Remember, she could just be going through a growth spurt and that it will pass in a few days.
Hang in there!!!