I feel for the people in other countries and if we could care for the poor people in our own country then take on the problems of the world I'd be okay with it.
BUT the facts are there are families in America who go to be hungry, who are raped over and over, who are sold to drug dealers for a hit on a joint, duct taped to the bed and sold for a 6 pack of beer...don't believe me?
I worked with people with developmental disabilities and the young lady I worked with had been treated like this by her mother then the dad took her the the brothers took up where mom left off. The only way anyone found out is because she got pregnant at 14.
Another young man was sold for sex with a dog for drugs over and over. We can get up and walk away, move to a different state, try over and over to find work and still be unsuccessful.
These are not all lazy welfare people, do you have any idea how many of the homeless in America are families that have lost everything due to major cutbacks and downsizing?
It amazes me that we allow anyone to come in, be it legal or illegal, we need to take care of the people in America first then we should offer aid to people who are in the circumstances mentioned in other posts.
At the local food bank people line up around the building and wait in the heat, the snow, the ice, the rain for a single box of food holding a box of corn flakes, a couple of cans of veggies, some rice, and maybe a loaf of bread or some other addition. They wait for hours and come back each month.
O. month they started new regulations and each person receiving a box had to show SS cards for each family member. About half the line was turned away that day. The other families that were there and had the proper id's actually all got a box that day, only 1 or 2 were left over. All those Americans got a box of food that day. They gave the leftover boxes out the next day to a family that had a fire.
I think before we go fixing other countries problems we have to fix our own. That is just the way it has to be. The people of America need to understand they are only a few paychecks away from being in the same shoes and needing that assistance for their own families, if they give all the food to people not qualified then you get none how are you going to feel then?