Dear Denise,
The health care will be subsidized by tax dollars. I am part of the 52% of Americans who actually pay taxes. That's right - our country is broke because our current tax system has gotten to the point that 48% of the country is being supported by 52% of the people. But that is another topic for another day.
We will NOT necessarily be able to keep our employer based health care. My cousin works for United Airlines and he has already received information from them saying that they will not be offering health insurance as a benefit to any employee if Obama's plan does take effect. Why? It is cheaper for them to pay the penalty than to pay their share of the health care. So he and his wife and son will have no choices.
My husband works for a local general contractor. As you know, business in that field has been tough since 2008 - and in South FL it is really bad. He has been told that they are probably going to stop offering health care.
I work for a very small family owned business. There are 7 of us on payroll. We don't have health insurance as a benefit. They won't be required to provide it (thank goodness, because the business would be broke for sure if that was a required cost of business).
We need to fix what is broken.
NO, it is not the choice of the employer - it is the way the legislation is written. Our wonderful congresspeople have voted for legislation that actually provides an incentive for business to not offer health care. If employer A choses to continue to pay for health care and the competitor B drops paying for health care to pay the fine - then B stays in business and A goes out of business. It is that simple - but those who haven't run a business don't get that!! The fine would have to be more expensive than offering coverage in order to incentivize employers to offer health insurance. The goal is to create socialist medicine and that is what will happen unless our judicial system happens to save us by declaring the legislation unconstitutional.