Hello, now I am not a doctor, but maybe your kid has allergies??? My middle has sever allergies and my doctor tried to put him on Similac's Alimentum Advance(he did't like it, he was allready breast feeding for 6+ monthes and refused to take it). I breast fed all three of my kids. And with my last I had to go back to work and after switching her to a bottle we noticed her getting fussy and gassy all the time, those gas drops didn't help much. So I figured it would be best to switch her to the formula her brother had, assuming she had allergies or was real sensitive. She didn't like mixing the breast milk with the formula and was still having problems so we tried a bottle just straight formula, and we never looked back. She love it and has not had problems since. I will warn you that this stuff stinks like crazy!!!! I have never had to feed formula to my other kids but my friends have and this smells worse. Oh and if you Doctor is not helping maybe its time to search for a new one??? This formula is kind of expensive if you can get WIC that will help, but you will need your dr to write a prescription. It is also hypoallergenic and has DHA and ARA. Well I hope this helps you out some at least!!!!!