I was 8.5 months pregnant with my first. I was at work and at the time worked in a bank branch. My husband called me and said a plane had hit the Tower. Initially it wasn't reported as terrorist so I and my coworkers thought just an accident and how sad it was. Then a customer came in and said a second plane had hit the other tower. Then the fear, sadness and helplessness set in. We set up the break room TV in the lobby so we could all know what was happening as much as we could. I remember customers with military family members coming in crying as their loved ones were called out and we all tried to comfort each other since we all really had not much information. I just remember it was a bunch of good people trying to help and comfort each other. It was a day I'll never forget and I doubt most people will. The thing I remember the most about it though was that in the following days people, strangers showed really how good they can be to each other and what they did to help their fellow humans. I saw a side of humanity we rarely see.