GET A NEW DOCTOR!!! Its not good for you or baby to be puking all the time. When the puking starts to make you lose weight its not a good sign. I was in the same boat as you twice before. The first time i got dehydrated as was on bed rest for 3 weeks. My doctor gave me meds that i had to take 45mind b4 eating and made me soooo sleepy. The next time around i was VERY worse and the drugs didnt work, plus i had a 3yr to take care of. I couldnt sit in anything that moved even the slightest, watch tv with alot of action scenes, puked about 8 times a day and drank koolaid cause it was the only thng keeping me from passing out. So my OB prescribed Zofran. No waiting to eat, could eat normally within 2 days. Alot of pregos have used the drug and the only side effect i know of is you hungry and WANT TO EAT!
My brother is a pharmist and was telling me they give Zofran originally to cancer patients cause it worked so well with the nausea
By th way my nausea never ended til i gave birth. It is rare that someone has it for that long and i tried everything before the Zofran. Its not cheap but SOOOOO worth it. I had to be on it for theentire pregnancy and have the dosage increased as i got further along.
Good luck and get another doc, its no big deal about changing docs. They dont mind. I tried a few OB in the office til i found the right one and then the pregnancy went better and happier.
Just read some other post, the iron in pregnancy vitamins can make you feel worse, try to find one with low iron or take flintstones. There is even gummy prego vitamins now. Plus take the vitamins right before bed, its nicer on the stomach. Prego pops from motherhood materity help too