My daughter is also 9 months. She eats the baby cereal still, also with fruit mixed in but that is mainly because I still have some. Once this is gone, I do not plan on buying more. She also eats Cheerios-loves the multigrain-after I let it soften just a bit in milk. I drain the milk before giving it to her. She had regular oatmeal with my husband the other day. Just caught him before he added honey. No Honey for babies. Farina would be a good cereal as well. That is what my mom used to give my nieces and nephews sweetened with a little applesauce. The only time my daughter gets cereal at night is when she does not seem to want the other foods. When we went to her 9 month doc checkup, the doc wasn't really concerned about making sure she ate the cereal. I told her she sometimes ate Cheerios and sometimes the baby cereal and she was fine with it. She was really just concerned that I was introducing different foods and that my daughter was getting enough variety and balanced foods.