my son initially showed some interest at about 20 months, but it was more exploration of the potty seat and playing with it. Pretend to potty type of thing. then we went through a phase of that he did not want anything to do with it. He was finally about 3 when he started actually training and shortly after that he was fully trained. A friend of mine's boy would not train until almost 4. They all do it it at their own pace. My daughter is almost 2 and sometimes she will ask to sit on the potty sometimes you have to catch her b4 she does it. All kids go through that phase of thinking it's a new toy, then wanting nothing to do with it then deciding to. We just would always make a point to take him to the bathroom regularly. If he was just adamant about not we didn't force the issue, but just said okay but if you need to potty lets go in here. Because if you force too much you just delay them longer.