I'll keep it simple: You can start solids when his doctor says it's okay. If you think it's time, call his doc, make an appointment and talk about it. My son started rice, apples and bananas at 3 months, but only because he had really bad diareah (sp?) and was nursing around 180 MINUTES a day, PLUS one 8oz. bottle each day.
NO MATTER WHAT THE OTHER MOMS MAY OR MAYNOT SAY, NEVER START HIM ON SOMETHING THE DR. DOESN'T AGREE WITH. We do not know your child, so we can only tell you what *OUR* doctor told us for *OUR* kid! *YOUR* doctor knows *YOUR* kid, and his medical history.
Sorry if I sound rude, or if I'm bursting your bubble. It's just better to be safe than sorry! Take care~ J