My toddler has 3 meals and a snack, so she still eats 4 times a day.
I agree that 3 naps is probably one too many at this point. My son (7 months) takes 3 naps, but they are only 40 minutes each.
Hi Moms!
My daughter, who will be 32 weeks old this week, has very suddenly changed her schedule: She has gone from eating 4 times per day (7oz formula + 2-3oz of solid food 3X per day & 8oz formula at night) to eating 3 times per day (7 oz formula + 3-4oz solid food). This has concerned me because she has always had a 6/6:30 bedtime and now when I put her down for her third afternoon nap around 4:00, she does not wake up for dinner, but still sleeps until 6:30/7 the next morning. I am assuming that she is experiencing a growth spurt, as her eating and sleeping has increased (her 2 naps equal 5 hours of sleep). I am still left with the question - Is this the transition to 3 meals per day?
Thanks for your advice and for sharing your valuable experience with me!
My toddler has 3 meals and a snack, so she still eats 4 times a day.
I agree that 3 naps is probably one too many at this point. My son (7 months) takes 3 naps, but they are only 40 minutes each.
It seems more a transition to going from three naps to two, which is normal at her age:) I would follow her lead, as dropping naps can be difficult and it seems she took it with ease. You can gradually push that third nap time back to a more reasonable bed time, but do it slowly and her sleep/eating should adjust accordingly.
I agree with previous comments that she is probably ready for just 2 naps...at 8 months, my son was waking at 7, bottle then eat breakfast at 8:30-9am, nap from 10-11:30, lunch at 12:30-1 then a bottle and playtime, then a nap from 3-4ishfollowed by a bottle, dinner at 5:30, then a bottle before bed at about 7:30. Good luck!
My son moved to eating 3 meals a day around 9 months. This is the same time we switched him from bottles to sippy cups and switched from baby food to table foods.