My son gave up naps about this time too, I had moved his bedtime up then by 45 minutes. It may have seemed early but he needed it and I couldn't deal with the meltdowns from 4:00 to 7:00 so his bedtime without naps was 6:30.
He slept all night long and so I know he needed it.
Now he is four doesn't nap still and is in bed by 7:15 to 7:30.
My daughter didn't give up naps until I forced it, hee hee.
She was four and in school and I had to get rid of them. Again her bedtime was earlier after naps were gone and slowly have moved up now she is seven.
I think if she is really cranky, then up her bedtime by half hour, don't keep it the same. If she just won't sleep then there isn't much you can do. I know it is a blessing to have them nap after going and going all day but what else can you do? I would tell her if she isn't going to lay down anymore then early bedtime. Lay her down at 6:30 and see what happens.
With the time change it is easier too for earlier bedtimes since it is dark out. It is great she naps at daycare and maybe you need black out shades and a rule she is NOT to get out of bed at home!!!!! Be firm and consistent that if she cannot sleep that is fine but she is not to leave her bed when you put her in it!! I had that rule and it stuck with both kids.
Good luck!