That was exactly how my daughter was. We tried big girl panties and telling her not to get whatever character was on them wet. We also tried candy and giving her pennies. Nothing worked, she didn't care and if she did go pee in the panties it wouldn't bother her at all. So finally I just said forget it, when she's ready she'll do it. Right before she turned 3 she told me one day, I need to go pee pee. We went to the potty, she went pee pee and that's been it. This was over 2 months ago. She's only had 2 accidents at night and we've had some accidents during the day but usually only about 1 per week. We are still having issues of not wanting to poop on the potty but even those don't happen often. Don't stress too much about it, you're right she'll go when she's ready. Good luck!