Well, I had a bit of both - I (oops) got pregnant when My first was only 9 months, and we were very surprised and unprepared, as she was still so little, still nursing, etc! But after that first month of shock, we recovered and were very excited, becasue we knew they would be so close to each other and be great friends, and never really remember life without the other. Sadly, I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. It took M. about 8 months after the loss to feel ready to try again, and we were lucky enough to get pregnant right away, and when my daughter was about 18 months I got pregnant again. He was born when she was 27 months. She adjusted to him very quickly, and LOVES her little brother, and will stick up for him and proctect him and help him ( and fight with him and yell at him and boss him, LOL). It is so sweet to see them together, and I don't regret an instant of it.
I wasn't ready when we got pregnant with the baby we lost, but it made M. realize that I did want more babies, and made M. really think about all the benefits to doing it sooner rather than later, for our particular situation ( I am a stay at home mom, so might as well have them close). SO I was ready after that.
My mom waited 6 and a half years between myself and my brother. I really wasn't fond of him when he was born - I didn't hate him or try to do anything malicious, I just pretty much pretended he didn't exist for his infanthood...I didn't want to feed him or hold him or any of that. Once he got big enough to play with it was different, we had some really fun times, and some HUGE fights, too. I love my little brother, but it was definitely not a close friends type relationship - more of a babysitter/proctector situation - I helped mom take care of him, I took him to school, helped him with his homework,sort of "babysat" him after school for the 2 hours before mom got home, once I was in about 6th grade and he was in Kindergarten, etc. Unfortunately with that much of a gap, socially/emotionally, growing up, you are in two totally different worlds for a long time - we are just now, at 33 and 26, getting onto the similar page with our lives....you know, he was still in elementary while I was in High school, he was in Jr High and High school when I was in college - I got married while he was getting his Masters - and now I have 2 kids and he is getting his PHD and dating.
Personally I think closer is better for the kids relationship wise, BUT I can see where ESPECIALLY as a working mom, like my mom was, that further apart would be easier on the parents - I had 2 in diapers for a while, I had to buy lots of things what you would normally use for twins, since mine were so close in age - double stroller, 4 car seats ( 2 for each car) duplicates of toys and sippy cups, for less fighting, and make sure every one had one, etc.
Oh, and my first pregnancy, I had the beginnings of preeclampsia( elevated blood pressure), and was on bedrest for the last 3 months,and then had a c-section....I dreaded all that with subsequent pregnancies. BUT, I had no further blood pressure issues with the other 2 pregnancies, and though I did have another c-seciton, the recovery wasn't too bad, I just had to make sure DH or one of the grandmas was there to pick up the big girl for the first while. We also knew I was going to have another c-section so we started training her to be more independant and not need to be carried so much from the start of the pregnancy, and the c-section was scheduled, so we could plan ahead for care for our first and time off for DH, more easily.
It is a very personal family decision, do what is best for you, what we did is working great for us, and we are now done, with one 4 and a half year old girl, and a 2 and a half year old boy!
It all pays off when my daughter looks at her little brother and gives him and kiss and says "Will, you are my BEST friend." chokes M. up just typing it!