Son took his first steps on his first birthday, walking totally on his own before13 months, but wasn't much of a crawler (just commando before) until after he started walking.
When did you baby/child/kid start walking?
My daughter was walking at 8mnths she never really crawled, maybe for a week she did
Son took his first steps on his first birthday, walking totally on his own before13 months, but wasn't much of a crawler (just commando before) until after he started walking.
My son learned to walk at 11 months, did it for a week, then went back to crawling and didn't walk again til 14 months.
My first child started walking at 10 months. My second child is a year old this Sunday and loves to stand but has no desire whatsoever to walk. Each child is different so don't stress about it or try to force it too much. I have nieces/nephews and friends that their kids walked anywhere from 10 months to 20 months. Hope that helps and take care.
My son started walking without holding onto anything at 13 months.
My first started walking on her first birthday. And I have a 10 m/o that I think will be walking within the next month or two. But every child is different. Don't stress, your baby will walk when ready. If you are really concerned consult your doctor. But really you shouldn't worry.
my son started at 9 months and his friend i used to babysit didn't start walking until about 16 months. very wide range
12 months and 14 months
my first started walking just before her first birthday, my second (and a boy which supposedly reach these developmental milestones later) started cruising around 14 months. The first would step, step, step and kept trying until she walked. My son would walk a few steps and seemed to think - huh? I could get there much faster crawling - and drop to his knees 8) It wasn't until he saw an advantage to walking (playing with other kids) that he literally got up walked across the kitchen and within a day was running the length of the house, turning around and running back.
Don't worry much about it.
Once they start they won't go back, so what's the hurry?
My son walked at 14 months. He took his time about it. He was having too much fun crawling and climbing.
my son started walking 2 weeks after his first birthday.
My oldest started walking really well really early, She was 8 months old and it was get up walk across the room pick something up and keep going. There was no in between unsteady stage for her and she's now 8 yrs old and does EVERYTHING like that.
Her little brother didn't walk until after his first birthday. He was the more "normal" in development of the two of them he had those first two or 3 steps then fall down.
I have two girls, the oldest walked at 9 mths and the younges at 8 mths. But most babies I know didnt start walking till around their 1st birthday.
My son started walking at 9 months. Now he's 16 months and running all over the place. He definitely keeps me on my toes. His newest favorite activity is climbing lol.
My now 3YO daughter starter walking at 9 1/2 months. She has been a busy beaver ever since! LOL
daughter at 13 months
My daughter started walking at 15 months. She LOVED crawling! My son crawled but was walking right before his first birthday. I miss the crawling stage though! It's so precious!
My daughter started walking at around 11 months. My son started walking at 9 months. He just had to keep up with his older sister!
Girl - 12 months
Boy - 14 months
Out of my 7 kids, the earliest walkers were 9 months (one was cruising and standing at 6mo), the latest were 12 months. One of the skipped crawling. My earliest walkers have been later talkers though.
My son started walking at 10 1/2 months. He started crawling at 7 1/2. He never really 'cruised'.
It's doesn't matter when as long as no medical or developmental issues are pressent. All children are different. My son took his first steps at 9 months fell and gave it up. Then did the same thing on his 1rst bday then about 13 months wouldn't stop and is now 20 months and he runs kicks a ball without falling speaks full sentences and can catch and throw. He can count to 6 and to 3 in spanish. I started walking at 6 months and didn't say a full sentences untill I was about 2 1/2 years old. My nephew started walking at 9 months and my 3 nieces were 10 12 and 15 months. Don't rush it tho lol. ENJOY THE NONWALKER WHILE YOU CAN. Lol. But seriously don't worry you're baby will walk when he/she is ready no matter what anyone says or does. Good luck and enjoy you're lil one!!!!!
DD @ 18mos and DS @ 17mos.
My son walked at 11 months and my daughter didn't walk until 17 months! My daughter is almost four and is super coordinated and a great climber. I was a bit worried about her late walking and the pediatrician said children just concentrate on different skills at different times.
I have twin girls and one started walking at 11 months and the other at 12 months. My best friend's daughter just started walking at 16 months. Every child is different!
My twins started walking at 9 months and 10 months.
my kids started walking at 9, 10, and 11 months. i have friends whose kids have walked anywhere from 8-15 months.
My daughter started walking at 9 months, my son at 13 months.
My son started walking one week after his first birthday.
Our kids both started walking between 11-12 months, a friend of ours son started walking around 16 months and their daughter thought it was quicker to get around crawling until about 14-15 months.
My daughter was very verbal at 10/11 months but did not walk until 15.5 months.
As my pedi explained:
The area of the brain that governs walking is the same area that governs speech. It can't develop both skills (muscle movement/control of body verse muscle control and movement of tongue and lips) simultaneously... The child will either be an early walker (and language will not bloom until later) or an early talker (and hence, walking will not take off until later).
My daughter started walking at 14 months. The majority of babies do not start walking until about this age!
There is a LOOOONG range of normal for this. My nephew was walking by 8 months, my daughter crawled for a long time, started cruising at 1 year and walking hands free at 14 mo.
A same age friend of my daughter didn't walk until 18 mo.
None of these kids have any developmental issues... just their own pace of growing.
My first didn't walk until 16.5 months, but he talked REALLY early. The pediatrician's theory was that he was too busy concentrating on talking to worry about learning to walk. My second walked at 13 months.
My boys started walking about 8 months. My girls were 10 months. I know of many kids who don't start until closer to their first birthday or after. My almost 11 month old has been walking for awhile now, and let me just say.....I long for the days she was barely crawling!!!!!!! Holy buckets, batman, can this girl get into trouble!!! LOL!!!
I have twins. My daughter started walking on her first birthday. My son started walking two weeks later.
My twin daughters started walking right around 10 months old.
1st child started full-time walking just before 11 months.
2nd child started full-time walking just after 9 months.
Are you concerned about your child? If so, know that it doesn't matter when your child walks (barring any medical issues or developmental delays). They will ALL be walking and running by 18 months...and it makes absolutely no difference when they started. Same with: when did you child say his/her first full sentence, when did your child learn to identify letters of the alphabet, when did you child learn to count to 10, when did your child get potty trained, when did your child transition out of a crib, when did your child learn to read...etc. None of it matters down the road. They all catch-up with each other!
i have 3 kids my first start at 8 months ,baby boy start at 10 months and the baby girl at 11 months
i have 3 kids.. my 1st son started at 10 mnths, my daughter started at 11 mnths & my 3rd started at 9 mnths.. i guess he figured he'd better keep up or get lost behind..lol
my baby-toddler, who is now my big girl started walking at 7 1/2 months. but many do not walk until 16 months and it's ok.
My son started walking at 11 months. My daughter, on the other hand took her first steps at 14 months.
All kids are different. My daughter started walking at 8 months no crawling at all. But my son didn't take his 1st step till the day before his first b-day.
My daughter took her first couple steps a week after her 1st birthday but really just started walking at 13 months.
My oldest started at 6 months, and we shall see about my youngest! A lot of kids start at later ages! I have a friend whos son started at 11. Every kid starts at a diffrent age!