You can start beginning to put him onto a schedule right now. The best way to reinforce a nightly bedtime is by having a routine. For my daughter this means a bottle at bedtime. She knows that after she finishes, she is headed to bed, and I will sing her a lullaby, rub her head for a minute, and then she goes to sleep. She started her routine at about 2 1/2 months and she is now 1 year old and on the same schedule that we started her with. She takes two naps during the day around the same time, and then goes to bed at 10:00. She doesn't wake until 10:30 am, and I swear it's because she is on a schedule. Trust me, you will thank yourself later if you try to maintain a schedule now. Kids need consistency, it's something that helps them know that they are cared for. Don't worry if you need to change it up every now and then, schedules can be changed later if need be. It's good to be flexible, but if you want to start now, go right ahead. It's never too early. If he wants something, trust me, he'll let you know. :) Good luck!