I would assume my underwear fell out of the pocket of my pants when they moved my pants or bumped into them.
I'd be curious to know what the other things were, however.
What would you do in this situation? I had a miscarriage and a d &c, and had some complications following, so I had to go my doctor for several follow up visits. During my first visit after the d&c her assistant weighed me, checked my blood pressure and left the room. I got undressed from the waist down, tucked my underwear into my pants and placed them on the chair that was behind the table, so they were not viisble to me while on the exam table. The dr came in, said she had to plug the table in and the plug in was by the chair. She did the exam and left. When I went to get dressed, my underwear were laying on top of my pants. This happened to me two different times. A couple of other inappropriate things happened, so I left her practice. I am not sure if I should file a complaint with the medical board or if I should just let it go. I am just afraid she may be doing this to others as well. Any suggestions?
Thank you ladies for your responses!
I would assume my underwear fell out of the pocket of my pants when they moved my pants or bumped into them.
I'd be curious to know what the other things were, however.
Listen to your gut. If you're too scared to talk to the doctor about it, then mention it to one of the nurses. See how they react. Is this the first time they've heard something like this? Or do they seem concerned? Even if it is the first time they've heard it, that nurse that you talk to will keep a more watchful eye on the doc & her habits. This needs brought up.
Other inappropriate things happened too? I'd report it. She could increase and seriously hurt someone in the future.
ewww she sounds like someone I'd leave
I don't think that sounds like anything that would warrant a complaint to the medical board but if I didn't like the way things were done in a practice, then I would leave. Sounds like the practice/doctor were not very prepared (or being sloppy)... things should already be plugged in, needed items placed out, that sort of thing. If you don't like the way things are run, you can just file a complaint to whomever manages the practice and they can turn around and look into the problem.
You did not say if you tol.d her why you left her practice....I would definitely write to her and explain exactly why, and then say that you will forward the same letter to the medical board.
At least then the board will have a record of your complaint to compile with others if there are any.
I would file a complaint if I were you. That's not OK and behavior like that could escalate...