What to Pay a Babysitter?

Updated on July 03, 2009
M.M. asks from Liberty, MO
5 answers

Just curious as to what the going rate is these days for babysitters. Does the age of the sitter and the age & number of children being watched play a part in determining how much? We have an 8 year old only child. We recently had a high school aged sitter whom we paid $5/hr plus a tip. We really liked her so we want to make sure we pay her enough to keep her around. She wouldn't offer an amount she would like to get paid - said it was up to us. Please help!

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answers from St. Louis on

I would pay her $7-8 per hour.



answers from Topeka on

I pay 5.00 a hour per kid. I think that is more then reasonble. if you were to pay the fast food min wage i think that would be ridiculous. They want that kind of pay then go to work.



answers from St. Louis on

I paid my teenage babysitter $7.00 an hour..

I am a Nanny with 29 years experience and can not find families who want to pay my going rate of $10.00 an hour..


answers from Kansas City on

If you want to keep her, I'd pay her what she can make at fast food. 7 per hour plus tip would be competitive. It's more I know. But that way if she does get a job at a fast food place, she'll have incentive to work her schedule around your nights too.

And for anyone that thinks somehow daycare, childcare, babysitting, (whatever you want to call it isn't work), you are wrong! How crazy is that attitude? That really IS the pervasive attitude in this world today. People want to think that anyone caring for a child is just playing games and having a good old time. We may enjoy what we do. Hopefully, we do! I wouldn't want a surgeon to be unhappy in his job if he's cutting on me. Yet he makes a nice wage. I wouldn't want my auto mechanic to hate his job or he might do a terrible job fixing my car. I wouldn't leave my child with someone that hated being with kids. But in all these situations, it's still work. My comments here are not intended for MaryBeth in any way. SHE asked this question because she wants to be fair.




answers from Wichita on

High school kids will find a better job if they can so in order to keep them loyal to you. I recomend that you pay her a base rate of 25.00 even if its just for 2 hours of their time. B/C My daughter did sitting and found taking her evening away to spend with friends and only make 10.00 or 12.00 bucks isn't worth their time.And then you will find that they will always take the time B/C they know they will at least make 25.00

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