Hi D.,
My youngest daughter who is now 17 months did the same thing to me. She was eating alot of baby food and a little table food and at 12 months old decided one day she did not want baby food AT ALL, I kept trying for about a week and she would have no part of it. All babies are different but these are some of the things I gave her. For breakfast I would cut up a waffle just plain and a banana, she also liked the flavored oatmeal, scrambled eggs depending on her mood of the day. For lunch I did ham, cheese, and bread torn up in little pieces, she also liked the gerber graduates diced fruit or the raviolis by gerber. Macaroni and cheese was always a favorite, green beans cut in small pieces and for dinner whatever meat we were having I would shred or cut up small like chicken breast, pork chops, etc. My kids love hotdogs and for babies they just have to be tiny pieces and I know not very healthy but doesn't hurt them once in awhile. My son when he was a baby would not eat peas or corn either but loved greenbeans and beets. I have 5 kids and just always found it was a process of elimination but when they didn't like something I still would put it on their plate when we ate it because after time sometimes they will start to eat it. I wouldn't worry too much cuz their taste changes so much at this age so he may hate it now and love it tomorrow. Good luck, hope this helped a little.