Never used the shot, but as my milk dried up, your breasts get hard as rocks and hurt like hell. It's important not to run them under the hot shower or massage them, because that stimulates milk production. I'd still leak like crazy every time the baby cried. It was miserable for about a week, then tolerable the next week. Due to your hormones winding down, you might FEEL like you're losing hair, but that's totally normal... the average person loses 100 strands per day (I lose more, not that you can tell by looking at me, but check out my floor!)... the hair thing is totally normal.
I was a bit of an emotional mess because *I* wasn't ready to stop (3 times!), but within a month, I felt relatively, emotionally 'normal'. Once you get past that hump, things even out, and you begin to feel like a woman again!!
Oh, and don't let your husband fool with your breasts or nipples for a while... you'll still leak, and that's not exactly the sexiest thing ;)
Good luck! You'll do fine... we all did :)