Didn't say whether the b-day child is a boy or girl, so any kind of interactive book would probably be nice. As a mom of 3, I have to say that a 2 year old has no idea what the heck is going on, birthday-wise, so it would be perfectly fine to give a gift certificate attached to a small stuffed animal so that mom can go and choose something she really needs for the child (trust me, parents get tired of collecting unnecessary toys!). As for your anxiety, a few things: 1) know that, until around age 4-5, kids parties consist of a bunch of parents following their kids around while intermittently having 2-sentence conversations (that's about all you can get in before you have to go off chasing your kid - or picking up after him/her - or playing with your kid - or showing your kid how to play nice!). Two year olds don't just wander off & play among themselves without parents close behind! Don't worry about having in-depth conversations - they don't happen (everyone is in the same boat, so no explanation/apology necessary!), 2) typically, parents end up talking about their child's development or thier common bond, the daycare, which is a topic you completely know everything about, so don't worry about having nothing to say, and 3) when all else fails, breathe! Try this: on a daily basis, practice breathing by counting to 4 when you breathe in and counting to 5 when you breathe out. This allows you to regulate the amount of oxygen you are taking in and will prevent your body from reacting as if you are really in some crisis situation, which should keep your anxiety somewhat at bay. Finally, remember that the best way to get over your anxiety is to put yourself in anxiety provoking situations and have experiences that offer you proof that you can handle it, so congratulations to you for being so brave and pushing to do the uncomfortable thing for the sake of your child! Good luck!