Make sure you have academic things for them to accomplish, reading so many books, etc.'s the key.....each of them have to talk about the book to the rest of the family. It might inspire another one to read the same book.
We have a page of boxes w/ numbers on them. When she reads a book (she's 6 & a GREAT reader) she colors a box. Goal - minimum of 25 books over the summer. If one of them has a math problem......they need do have a workbook, pull things off the internet, barter w/ a tutor, etc.
Find out about community projects that are going on and get them involved in them. ANOTHER "GOAL" - be involved in one or two community projects. Some communities have opportunities for things like clean-up, planting flowers, etc to better their community.
Find out about volunteer opportunities. Our town has a summer concert series and takes volunteers all the time to help with various things.
Physical goals......each of them picks things they want to do, i.e. swimming, biking, hiking, bowling, ice skating, etc. MAKE A CALENDAR and put them on, alternate days for rain....BUT GET THEM ACTIVE! Use the Wii, if they like or you want as part of it and doesn't matter if it rains.
Set times/opportunities for EACH of the kids to be with each other - one on one AND all together. Obviously, somethings the teenagers do won't be fun or appropriate maybe for the youngest. If they go biking on a hard trail, the 9 year old may not be able to keep up.
LIMIT computer time. SCHEDULE time for them to have friends over.
Take turns having the kids help w/ the meals. You'd be surprised at how much they can do when given the chance. Let them help with planning, shopping AND prep. I start them at 2 helping. Make it an educational process!
Try new foods - PREFERABLY PRODUCE - and have them find out WHERE it grows, HOW it grows (science) What are the values of the food, etc. Each of them gets to try a new food each week or every other week depending on how often you do the shopping. The teenagers are CERTAINLY old enough to do it ALL on their own. Help them to be independent, helpful, well-rounded males that any female would love to have around.
CHORES - laundry - EVERY one has to help. These teenagers need to know anyway.
Make SURE to plan things as a family at least once or twice a month, as your time & budget allow. You can go to the park and just hang, have a picnic, camp or whatever floats your boat (something else you might do).
Make it a summer that is STRUCTURED and they can accomplish things - continue a little academic, community involvement, volunteering, staying active, trying new food and culinary skills, etc. Sounds like a plan to me! Just make SURE to involve them in the plan and let THEM have plenty of input. It will insure that they look forward to it. If they balk at something, i.e. cooking, remind them that they don't know until they've tried. If you need help w/ simple recipes for them, I've got PLENTY! Lots that are kid friendly, too.