Make cookies. I use the traditional oatmeal cooky recipe but, I add in the cereal as a replacement to one of the cups of oatmeal, because of all the good vitamins they put into it. I also use 1/2 the sugar suggested and add in fresh shredded apple, bananna, or pears for natural sweetness. I add a scoop of mitamin enriched soy protien powder (in the muscle body building nutrition section) for even more vitamins and a big squeeze of infant liquid multivitamin with DHA (which stimulates the "happy" center of the brain). You could even throw in a few scoops of some old baby formula you never cracked open but saved for some reason. So there are vitamins in every bite whether they eat a little cookie or a big one. And the great thing is that the vitamins are hidden so subtly that you can't even taste them.
If she's eating solids, a Power Cooky, ought to fill her up -And no guilt from Mom for feeding her cookies for breakfast because it's actually less sugar, more calories, more protien, and more healthy nutrition than even pancakes. - which is also a great place to kick in some soy protien, liquid multivitamin, a few scoops of the formula, and even some of the cereal. -you can find ways to use it up.
But, don't forget the chocholate chips -no harm adding that in as a special treat. I also only add 1/2 as much as suggested.
Let us know if you use a recipe like this and if she goes for it.